Beyoncé Concerts

Przygotuj się na następny koncert Beyoncé, trasa 2024

Statystyki na żywo

Popularne piosenki

10 najczęściej granych piosenek przez Beyoncé na ostatnich 40 koncertach.

Profil setlisty

Utwory do zagrania na żywo zostały wydane na następujących albumach:

Następna setlista

Posłuchaj playlisty następnego koncertu (aktualizowanej po każdej dacie trasy):

Jak długo trwa koncert?

Jak długo trwa koncert? Beyoncé będzie na scenie przez około 3:42. Oto prawdopodobna setlista na podstawie poprzednich koncertów (99% prawdopodobieństwa):

Tytuł piosenki
  1. Dangerously In Love cover Dangerously in Love
  2. B'day Deluxe Edition cover Flaws and All
  3. 4 cover 1+1
  4. 10 Best cover I'm Going Down (Rose Royce cover)
  5. 4 cover I Care
  6. Ellie Greenwich cover River Deep, Mountain High (Ellie Greenwich cover)
  7. Encore #1

  8. Renaissance cover I'M THAT GIRL
  9. Renaissance cover COZY
  10. Renaissance cover ALIEN SUPERSTAR
  11. no cover Lift Off (JAY Z & Kanye West cover)
  12. Encore #2

  13. Renaissance cover CUFF IT
  14. Renaissance cover ENERGY
  15. Renaissance cover BREAK MY SOUL
  16. Encore #3

  17. Lemonade cover Formation
  18. I Am...sasha Fierce cover Diva
  19. 4 cover Run the World (Girls)
  20. The Lion King: The Gift cover MY POWER
  21. The Lion King: The Gift cover BLACK PARADE
  22. Suga cover Savage (Megan Thee Stallion cover)
  23. BeyoncÉ cover Partition
  24. Encore #4

  25. Renaissance cover CHURCH GIRL
  26. B'day cover Get Me Bodied
  27. Bittersweeet cover Before I Let Go (Maze featuring Frankie Beverly cover)
  28. 4 cover Rather Die Young
  29. 4 cover Love on Top
  30. Dangerously In Love (alben Für Die Ewigkeit) cover Crazy in Love
  31. Encore #5

  32. Renaissance cover PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA
  33. Renaissance cover VIRGO'S GROOVE
  34. Dangerously In Love cover Naughty Girl
  35. Renaissance cover MOVE
  36. RenaIssance cover HEATED
  37. Encore #6

  38. Renaissance cover AMERICA HAS A PROBLEM
  39. Renaissance cover PURE/HONEY
  40. Renaissance cover SUMMER RENAISSANCE

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Podobni artyści

  1. Say My Name
  2. Survivor
  3. Jumpin', Jumpin'
Destiny's Child Photo

Destiny's Child

  1. Beauty And A Beat
  2. Starships
  3. Super Bass
Nicki Minaj Photo

Nicki Minaj

  1. Motivation
  2. Like This (feat. Eve)
  3. Work - Freemasons Radio Edit
Kelly Rowland Photo

Kelly Rowland

  1. we can't be friends (wait for your love)
  2. intro (end of the world)
  3. yes, and?
Ariana Grande Photo

Ariana Grande

  1. Moves Like Jagger - Studio Recording From The Voice Performance
  2. Feel This Moment (feat. Christina Aguilera)
  3. Genie In a Bottle
Christina Aguilera Photo

Christina Aguilera

  1. A Million Dreams
  2. Tightrope
  3. Razzle Dazzle
Michelle Williams Photo

Michelle Williams

  1. One, Two Step (feat. Missy Elliott)
  2. Goodies (feat. Petey Pablo)
  3. Like a Boy
Ciara Photo


  1. Rush (Year in Review 2022) - Miss Monique Remix
  2. Here Comes That Sound
  3. Here Comes That Sound (Mixed)
Fergie Photo


  1. Poker Face
  2. Shallow
  3. Always Remember Us This Way
Lady Gaga Photo

Lady Gaga

  1. Losing You
  2. Cranes in the Sky
  3. Binz
Solange Photo


  1. Obsessed
  2. We Belong Together
  3. Fantasy
Mariah Carey Photo

Mariah Carey

  1. I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)
  2. Higher Love
  3. I Will Always Love You
Whitney Houston Photo

Whitney Houston

  1. Spotlight
  2. Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight - From "Sing" Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
  3. And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
Jennifer Hudson Photo

Jennifer Hudson

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