Tool Concerts

Przygotuj się na następny koncert Tool, trasa 2024

Statystyki na żywo

Przepraszamy, nie mamy żadnych danych dotyczących tego artysty :(

Ale... Oto 10 najlepszych piosenek Tool, które prawdopodobnie zostaną zagrane na żywo!

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Podobni artyści

  1. Judith
  2. The Outsider
  3. 3 Libras
A Perfect Circle Photo

A Perfect Circle

  1. The Humbling River
  2. Momma Sed
  3. Conditions Of My Parole
Puscifer Photo


  1. Themata
  2. New Day
  3. C.O.T.E.
Karnivool Photo


  1. Feathergun in the Garden of the Sun
  2. Turning Sheep into Goats
  3. Scissorlips
Rishloo Photo


  1. Lotus
  2. Savia
  3. Fraccions
Soen Photo


  1. Open Car
  2. Trains - 2017 Remaster
  3. Shallow - 2017 Remaster
Porcupine Tree Photo

Porcupine Tree

  1. Blood and Thunder
  2. Floods of Triton
  3. The Motherload
Mastodon Photo


  1. Windowpane
  2. §1 - Radio Edit
  3. In My Time of Need
Opeth Photo


  1. Stranded
  2. Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça ira!)
  3. Silvera
Gojira Photo


  1. March to the Sea
  2. Take My Bones Away
  3. Shock Me
Baroness Photo


  1. The Overture to the Marriage of Figaro
  2. Rondo Alla Turca
  3. Violin Sonata in G Major, K301 Movement 2
Isis Photo


  1. Pull Me Under
  2. Night Terror
  3. Another Day
Dream Theater Photo

Dream Theater

  1. Change (In the House of Flies)
  2. My Own Summer (Shove It)
  3. Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)
Deftones Photo


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